Welcome to Our Colour Service Menu
Direct Scalp Colour

Basic Root Colour
ROOT COLOUR optimum visit - Permanent tint used direct to scalp to cover your natural grey or alter the natural depth or tonality of your hair. Subtle lifting can be achieved. This is a visit for clients that have no more than an inch grow out. For those that have more grow out - a surcharge may apply.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
30 minute appointment plus development time.

Root & End Refresh
ROOT COLOUR & END REFRESH - As with our Basic Root Colour, with the added end refresh best suited to your hairs structural condition. Visits after the 8 week window will automatically be requiring this service to provide you with the professional finish our colourists expect all our colour clients to leave with.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
45 minute appointment plus development time

Total New Colour
TOTAL NEW COLOUR - Root to end colour that needs a complete overhaul. For hair that has not been coloured for some time, to change the tone and depth of your hair with the creativity that our stylists are pros at. Please note we cannot lighten previously coloured hair in this service alone. This would need a COLOUR CORRECTION SERVICE.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
60 minute appointment plus development time

Non Permanent
DEMI PERMANENT COLOUR - Using Oway's Hnectar - which is both fragrance and ppd-free this is not just a colour but firstly a treatment. None permanent hair colour to alter tonality and add depth to natural or previously coloured hair. Colour fades out gradually depending on the home hair care you use and can be used to blend the first appearance of grey hair.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
30 minute appointment plus development time
Multi Dimensional Colour

Half Head Foils
HALF HEAD FOILS - The beauty of using foils to colour your hair is the creativity we can perform using more than one colour or sectioning techniques. For clients that only require partial foil method and best suited to short hair styles or the classic chin length bob.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
up to 60 minute appointment plus development time

Full Head Foils
FULL HEAD FOILS - For clients that want to add depth, tonality, reflects of lightness and even create the illusion of body and movement throughout all of your hair. For most lengths of hair but especially those with long hair, that wear their hair up.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
minimum 90 minute appointment plus development time
Specialist Technique

Total Balayage / Foilyage
Total Balayage / Foilyage - Balayage meaning: a technique for highlighting hair in which the colour is painted on in such a way as to create a graduated, natural-looking effect.
Our colourists expertly design placement of colour to achieve your desired finish. This can include baby lights framing the face or across a parting, freehand colour placement and use of foil. This method is as creative as it gets!
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
120 minute appointment plus development time

Balayage Refresh
Balayage Refresh - Great for our balayage clients wishing to keep on top of their look. This service is for those revisiting their colourist within 12 weeks from their initial Total Balayage / Foilyage service as we concentrate on areas framing the face and through the top sections of the hair only. Toning is included and we have something NEW for you to take home to help keep your locks looking beautiful!
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
60 minute appointment plus development time

Bespoke Colour Placement
Bespoke Colour Placement - For clients wishing to have a truly personal look, on short or long, curly or straight hair types using foil placement and either permanent or demi permanent colour techniques. Enhance your hair cut or to be introduced to soft colour reflects using our expert colourists to guide you to salon perfect hair colour!
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
60 minute appointment plus development time

Root Smudge & End Tone
Root Smudge & End Tone - This fabulous colour service can diffuse a new set of foil highlights, so that your grow out is softer as an extra service after your foil service. It can also be used to break up old highlights leaving you with a more grown up - grown out professional finish.
ALL of our colour services include a pre colour treatment and mask to ensure optimum results.
60minute appointment plus development time