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And the wait continues


To keep you all updated. We are not opening again for a while yet.

We realise this is frustrating for some of you, however it is for the greater good and we will not be risking the safety of our team or our clients in opening before it is safe to do so.

Remember, bad hair days will be gone as soon as we are open again, and we want to assure you that we will get to you all as soon as is humanly possible.

Just a reminder that we have a COVID-19 COLOUR RESCUE PACK available for those clients that have a direct to scalp colour. This is made up of your bespoke colour mix by naturally derived Philip Martins, that we use in salon, professional tint bowl, tint brush and disposable gloves for £19.20. The bespoke mix will be enough to cover your root area that shouts at you the most, until we can get to you personally. And more importantly save the guess work out of shop bought box dyes that may cause reactions or colour nightmares that will be costly and time consuming to correct. Use our CONTACT US page to register your interest and Denise will call you to arrange either pick up or kerb side delivery if you are unable to get to the salon.

Our team have been keeping up to date with online courses, tutorials and have already successfully passed an online Barbicide course in preparation for our return. We are all fed up and feel that we are letting you down, but our hands are tied and we will be back and super pleased to see you all as soon as we can!

Take Care and Be Safe X

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